The 5 ways you can get a better career without changing jobs - job tips by HR and people management consultancy Penna
Mon Feb 08 14:36:00 2016
Penna is part of Career Star Group like MPS Enterprises.
The article was first published in Business Insider UK - yoy can find the original article here >>
The New Year usually brings a spike in people looking to change jobs.
In fact, 21% of workers returning to the office after the festive break are already planning to change jobs in 2016, according to research by HR and people management consultancy Penna.
Of course, most people want to switch jobs because they want better pay, benefits, and greater developments in their career.
Bev White, Managing Director at Penna Career Services, told Business Insider that "many people will be lured by the prospect of drastic change at this time of year, particularly as resolutions are strong and heartfelt, and the thought of a decent pay rise is tempting too.
"But changing jobs will have long term ramifications on your life, so it is a decision that shouldn’t be taken as lightly as a new annual gym membership."
The survey of 1,000 full-time employees revealed that those aged 18 to 24 were most likely to be planning a career move this year, with 32% looking to do so.
But Bev White at Penna, which helps companies engage employees and retain talent, told Business Insider that there are some key tips in how you can channel your employer's eagerness to keep you on into developing your career without having to go through the hassle of jumping ship to elsewhere:
5. Grab more coffees with your manager for informal appraisals
Usually companies have annual appraisals but Penna's White says they are "outdated and no longer fit for purpose."
Although many companies still insist on them, White says that by asking your managers for more regular and informal career conversations, even over coffee, not only helps you stay on the right track but you can increase your development and amend your career path more effectively this way.
4. Check to see if there is another role within the company
Changing jobs doesn't mean you have to leave the company. Penna's White says that "many organisations are keen to hold on to talented people, so approach your manager or HR department about whether there is an opportunity to work elsewhere within the business."
Worried that you are stuck on one career path? Well, White says that even if you love your job in accounting, for example, but are no longer excited to be working in the commercial team, you can see if you can switch to an international division.
3. Get your company to pay for more training.
Penna's survey showed that 44% of people looking to change jobs was because of potentially greater development opportunities elsewhere.
However, you could just ask your company that you work for already to do that for you.
"Why not ask your manager what training opportunities they can put you forward for? Better still, go prepared with a list of training opportunities you want to pursue and show the impact it will have on your professional development and also the company," says White.
She says that it's win-win situation because the business benefits from your additional skills without having to recruit and you become more marketable in the future.
2. Find a mentor
Another way to succeed in your current workplace and develop your skills is by finding a mentor.
White says that "by learning from others who have ‘been there and done that’ or have enough experience to guide you through situations," it allows you to stretch yourself professionally and increase your chances of moving up the career ladder.
1. Lead by example
There's a famous phrase that "success begets success" and this could be a key to getting promoted in your career in your current place of employment and keep you happy.
Penna's research showed that all employees wanted more recognition for the work they’ve done — whether they were looking to change jobs or not.
White says that "celebrating your success at work, congratulating individuals on a job well done, and making others aware of achievements within the team," will be noticed by your colleagues and your managers.
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